EN- Connection of the karma system with destiny

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Connection of the karma system with destiny

Karma system from our point of view

A work by the research institute "Andishe Online Germany (AOG)"

Date: March 10, 2024


The following article is part of a full article titled "Chromosome translocation and the creation of the world's first human" published in Persian on the occasion of the 128th birthday of Master Elahi on the Persian website of the research center.

Master Elahi (Ostad Elahi)- 1895-1974


According to the teachings of Master Elahi, each person creates a self-chosen destiny with his actions and thoughts and the effects he has on the environment, which is actually a possible parallel world.

Suppose a person does not correct his way of thinking and acting at a certain point in his new life. In that case, he is led into one of the worlds as mentioned above of destiny due to the resonance (amplification) of the negative magnetic codes in the karma system, which initially exists only as a possibility.

With each new earthly life of a person, the strongly negative codes of the karmic system are temporarily deactivated to allow this person to correct himself. If this person does not take the opportunity in this life and behaves more or less the same as before, these codes of the cause-effect system (karma) will be activated again. The result of this process will be that this person will be led to the fate that he/she has caused, even though they could avoid it.



Karma system from our point of view

Everything that emanates from a human being, both physically and in the quantum dimension, such as thoughts and intentions, is recorded in the form of various positive and negative magnetic codes in a database called the "karma system".

This system is located in each person's true self, right at the exit port, where the connection point of the quantum connection cord with the true self is. Therefore, any instruction sent from a true self to the cortex through this quantum connection must necessarily pass through the karma system.

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This system is a powerful magnetic field with different information in several specific magnetic codes. This magnetic field can influence the instructions created by the true self, which are a kind of vibration, and change them according to its codes.

As discussed earlier, in this situation, the instructions of the basharic (human) soul actually contain new information. Actually, due to the collision of these instructions with the magnetic field of the karma system, they have changed according to the codes discussed.

These altered signals cause different chromosomal translocations at a stage such as crossing-over due to incorrect chromatid chiasm.

As mentioned, it should be taken into account that the karma system can be considered as a series of different positive and negative codes that influence the different stages of the respective soul's dominance in the exchange of information.

This effect on the material level at a stage such as crossing over, the signals sent by the soul to create haploid chromosomes, distorts the gametes and causes all kinds of translocations.

The disruption that the codes of the karma system cause in the soul signals is legitimate and in accordance with the actions of that person.

In this context, it must not be forgotten:

"For a true self, compensating for the shortcomings and mistakes of past lives is considered a priority, and the soul

readily accepts this so that it may gain strength by paying for the mistakes of its life and approach the source of

creation more quickly."

Quantum dimension of matter

Tokyo experiment

  Ostad Elahi's Tanbourplaying

Unification of the sciences of both dimensions

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The question is:

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 The seven factors of creation

Intelligence network

Master Elahi's Prophecies

Laws of creation

Crossing Over

Haploid Chromosome

Chromosomal translocation

Thank you for your attention

Research and investigation: Faramarz Tabesh

Article Code in the Archive:  vhfyi sdsjl öhvlh fh svk,aj hkshk

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