EN- Difference between a sect and a complete worldview

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Presented by Research institute “Andishe Online Germany (AOG).”

A Crucial question and a convincing answer.


The perspective of the research institute


Episode 1: 

   The difference between a sect and

a complete worldview

Release date: March sixteenth, 2024

The following text was translated from German into English.

Translator: Faramarz Tabesh


Good afternoon, Mr. Tabesh

I am a professor of particle physics at the University of ...... in Connecticut, USA, and besides physics topics, I am very interested in metaphysical issues.

First, I find your articles very interesting.

After reading your answers to other people's questions, I have concluded that we can have a free and democratic conversation. Therefore, I will ask you some questions to correctly understand your points of view.

First of all, I am concerned with your following statement:

In your explanatory articles, you interpret the thoughts of Master Elahi as a new, complete, and final worldview in this civilization.

My questions in this context are:

     -What is the difference between a religious sect and a worldview?

     -What are the characteristics that make a cult a worldview?

     -What do you understand by the novelty, completeness, and finality of the worldview presented by Master Elahi?

Thank you for your efforts to create an open forum for dialogue without censorship and restrictions.





Hello Mr.

These questions should be discussed from different angles. First, you have to know that it is not only a metaphysical topic; its scope also includes academic sciences, philosophy, and mysticism, which is one of the reasons it is universal.


The first explanation:

In short, a cult is a second branch of a major religion. In my opinion, the branches of the first degree of a significant religion are all spiritually predicted. They will arise from certain people at the appointed time, like the formation of all deep-rooted mystical groups.

A sect is also a branch of religion, but it may not be approved by a predetermined spiritual authority, or it can even be associated with dark forces.

Many of these sects exist in Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism. When researchers compare their explanations with the basic principles of the respective main religion, they often find completely obvious lines of heresy and deviation from reality.

In general, "cult" and "sect" have a negative connotation. Moreover, it is almost impossible to determine which religion most sects belong to.

Another critical point is that a religion or even a sect can usually take root in different countries. Still, this religion or sect never becomes a complete worldview because it lacks a specific doctrine that encompasses all people with different thoughts and beliefs.

In other words, a sect does not represent a complete worldview because it does not go beyond a specific idea.

I believe Hinduism is the only religion that once represented a relatively complete worldview. Unfortunately, many of its original principles no longer exist today, and many of the remaining principles have been altered so that they are largely misapplied.

The Atharva Veda is one of the four sacred Hindu scriptures called the Vedas. This book discusses which prayers and rituals to achieve the desired result. It is the source of all Hindu customs, from marriage ceremonies to childbirth to starting a business.

However, all Hindus find from time to time that these ceremonies sometimes do not have the desired positive effect. For example, because their business is not flourishing, their marriage is not successful, or they have not had a son, which Hindus are very interested in.

However, since no one could explain the main reason for the events and the course of destiny until the appearance of Master Elahi, some people still hold on to these beliefs only out of necessity and fear of poverty. In contrast, others have crossed the red line of fear and consider these rituals superstitions. 

The same situation exists in other religions.



Second explanation:

I think that by explaining the last part of your questions, the second part of the first problem will also be answered.

As I have explained many times in various articles, including the article "Dedicated to Humanity - The New World Order" or in response to other friends' questions in this context, what Master Elahi explains has the following general characteristics:


Whether in the theological part or by the question of living together in communities, all people are addressed equally, regardless of their religious or non-religious way of thinking.


Philosophically and mystically, the focus of Master Elahi's thoughts is not directed toward any particular person, group, religion, or ritual. Still, by explaining spiritual perfection correctly, he shows that this process is specific to humanity, regardless of their faith.

In this context, one might ask, "How can someone with a bad attitude attain spiritual perfection?"

The answer is: According to the same teachings, all wrong thoughts will be corrected one day in the same process.

Master's thoughts do not consider human beings as Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Zoroastrians, etc. Still, by describing both dimensions of a human being, he considers him a human being who deserves to attain spiritual perfection and be allowed to return to his original home.

This way of thinking recognizes all beliefs in this regard.


Quantum dimension of matter

Tokyo experiment

  Ostad Elahi's Tanbourplaying

Unification of the sciences of both dimensions

Life in space

The question is:

Reincarnation or ascending method?

 The seven factors of creation

Intelligence network

Master Elahi's Prophecies

Laws of creation

What the Master presents encompasses all people, and the new rules in a new world order will be implemented entirely independently of people's beliefs.

Suppose you study the articles in the "integrated sciences" section of the Research Institute's website. In that case, you will realize how profound his scientific thoughts and teachings are and how they can answer many questions that science has not been able to solve so far.

With this definition, the Master's achievements can undoubtedly be described as a completely new worldview. This worldview can answer all the questions that elites of different classes of society, such as philosophers, mystics, and scientists, have always tried to solve since the beginning of man's creation on earth.

For this reason, its achievements can be considered a complete worldview. Likewise, at least in this civilization, this can be regarded as the final worldview. When a system is perfect, there is no need for a like or a replacement.

Finally, I must emphasize that a sect cannot become a worldview because it lacks the necessary tools. Even the University of the Perfection Process cannot be regarded as an independent transformation of the Ahl al-Haq order into a worldview because Master Elahi was the only one who had the tools for this transformation. Thus, he succeeded in bringing this University out of the depths of the Ahl al-Haq order.

In this context, I should remind you that the Ahl al-Haq order is the most advanced in classifying mystical groups.


Unfortunately, with further explanation, we come to the same several hundred articles I have written on this subject and published in six languages.

All the articles or even all the reference books I have written and not yet published are not enough to bring to light the depth of the truth because it is a spiritual subject that concerns the progress of every soul. It means that the more you follow this path, the more you will realize the truth. Namely, The truth that explains to us, among other things, the difference between Master's worldview and everything that has been sporadically said here and there.

Please continue to study the articles on this website. Of course, I will answer all your questions as best I can.



A question from the same person to the above answer:

Thank you for your reply, but one thing still needs to be clarified for me. My question is:

What is the difference between the relationship of Master Elahi to people and religions to the general public? I understood the rest of the differences.



Simply put, a religion says: If you want to be one of us, you must follow our rules. Master Elahi, on the other hand, says: If you are a human, you must believe in and follow humanity's eternal laws, the three golden rules.

Moreover, according to Master Elahi's teachings, all religions are important, and it is right to follow any of them, provided your actions are accompanied by faith and honesty. But if you don't believe in religion, follow your conscience.

He has provided the public with an excellent universal formula by introducing the three golden rules. These rules are as follows:

1- Focus your attention on God and pray only to Him. His home is in our hearts.

2- What you do not want for yourself, you need not want for others. Treat others the way you want them to treat you.

3- Try to understand why you came to this world, what you must do during your life, and what will happen when you leave this world.

Therefore, it is a universal and all-encompassing final worldview. As mentioned earlier, religions lack this view.


I wish you much success.

Faramarz Tabesh

Thank you for your attention

Research and investigation: Faramarz Tabesh

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