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On the occasion of the 128th birthday
of Master Nour Ali Elahi (1895-1974)
Biography of Master Elahi
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Please pay attention that here TS is an abbreviation of true self.
Here I would like to spare you the complicated definitions presented by psychologists, since you can find them in any book on psychology. But here we can present our own definition of the psyche based on the research we have already done.
As already indicated there is continuous communication at the border between the basic extensions of the Q-string and the apical extensions of the dendrites of the neurons. We have called this boundary CC or central centromere where the sensory information is transformed into specific energy. With these considerations we can now for the first time, actually locate the psyche as follows:
Definition of Psyche
A four-dimensional magnetic field in the vicinity of the brain cortex, which is considered to be a strong, flexible, highly influenceable and influencing area, which is particularly pronounced in the hippocampus and thalamus. This area can interact with other positive or negative energy fields. Psyche can be considered as the front of the TS, which in a healthy state reflects only shadows of the TS characteristics.
The state of the psyche depends on one hand, on the quality of the pyramid cells, the central nervous system and the other areas of the brain, and on the other hand on the karma system and also on characteristics that have to be supplemented and imposed.
To understand this definition more thoroughly, it is necessary to remember that CC is a node through which millions, if not billions, of afferent and efferent information pass in both directions every second. The barriers (filters) in front of and behind the CC allow only certain information from this area to pass. So what appears in this area is an informative magnetic field.
Millions of information flow afferent and efferent through the psyche every second.
From the relationship between psyche and the TS, there are three possibilities with two sections:
1- The TS is sick⟹ Psyche also gets sick.
2- The TS is not sick ⟹ Psyche can be sick. This condition is very common.
3- The TS is not sick ⟹ Psyche can be healthy. For example, in all people who experience an earthly life for the first time.
Section 1
The diseases of the psyche cannot normally touch the TS because of an intermediate filter.
Section 2
Due to the technical possibilities of diagnostics currently available, it is not possible to draw conclusions about the characteristics and features of the TS on the basis of psychological symptoms. Likewise, it is also not possible to infer the character of the TS from the psychological behaviour of a person alone, since these behaviours can be expressed under the influence of external fields.
I therefore conclude that the psyche represents only a part of the mental files.
Thank you for reading this article
Research and analysis: Faramarz Tabesh
Article Code in the Archive: v,hk hc ndnähid k,dk_hkägdsd
From the Reference book: "Biology of the Quantum Dimension"
Author: Faramarz Tabesh
Article on YouTube