EN-Answer to a Question-Psyche

Podcast &Video clip at the bottom of the page

Presented by Research institute “Andishe Online Germany (AOG).”

A Crucial question and a convincing answer.


The perspective of the research institute


Answer to a question about psychology provided by the Research Institute "Andishe Online Germany (AOG)."

Release date: February 20th, 2024

The following text was translated from German into English.

Translator: Faramarz Tabesh


Good day, Sir.

As a clinical psychologist, I know that academic centers are pretty stuck in this regard. I recently saw the research institute Andishe Online Germany through an English clip in which you explained the process and functioning of the psyche. I have recently discovered that you have many more views in this area in Farsi and have published in other languages.

I find these topics very interesting, but I would like to ask you a fundamental question to better understand your presentation on the soul and psyche.


"What are the salient and different points of the psychology you provide compared to the topics currently                                        presented and taught in the context of academic centers?"


Thank you in advance for your answer to this question. 





Good day, Sir

In addition to a concrete example, I will briefly list everything I have explained in my related articles.

For the first time in the world, we discovered the answers to the following questions:


 1. Where exactly is the psyche?

 2. How does the psyche arise?

 3. What happens in the psyche?

 4. What internal factors interact within the psyche?

 5. What external factors influence this area of energy?

 6. What factors cause mental illness?

 7. What happens to the psyche after death?

 8. What is the relationship between the psyche and the karma system?

 9. How and with what algorithm does the psyche influence human behavior and thought?

 10. What is the basis for determining the difference between soul and mental illnesses?


Of course, there may be other things I do not remember now. However, these are all topics that current academic psychology needs to be aware of. The prevailing field of psychology has obtained everything it currently presents through a long process of observing the behavior of abnormal people and comparing it to the behavior of ordinary people, without any academic center having answered the question of what behavior is considered normal and what behavior is considered abnormal.


In this context, I will give you an example:

We see the behavior of Indian yogis or Qaderi Dervishes. They do strange things that do not correspond to everyday human behavior. However, the world of academic science still needs to provide a scientific and convincing explanation of how such ascetic actions can occur. These are actions in which biological and physiological laws are broken.


In addition, no psychologist has been found who would be willing to accuse these people of mental illness because their information regarding these trends is insufficient. Such analysis is only possible with the psychology we provide because by explaining the two most essential and eternal energy sources in the universe, Master Elahi has described the norm and the anti-norm in their most profound form.


Before discussing this topic further, I would like to emphasize that we at the research institute Andishe Online Germany (AOG) are absolutely against such ascetic actions because of Master Elahi's teachings.


Now, let me give you another example of my view of psychology:

We all, even those unfamiliar with academic psychology, have heard the famous phrase, "focus on the half-full glass." It is often used to discuss optimism and pessimism.

However, my understanding of Master Elahi's teachings is this:


"Pay attention to the half-full glass so that you do not fall into pessimism, discouragement, or depression.                                  But also focus on the half-empty glass and try to eliminate the problem and its cause."


I call this method "the second type of induction" and consider it more complete than the first type of induction (e.g., "Pay attention to the half-full glass"). It motivates you to become complete and is effective in all areas of life, including the social area.

For example, if a person is depressed and worried because he has no friends, the psychotherapist prescribes the first type of induction. This approach is good, but more is needed. By prescribing the second type of induction we offer, the person tries to focus on the negative points that prevent him from making friends and gradually removes these weaknesses, surpassing the level the psyche has already reached.

Several books could be written about this, but I leave that task to the new generation of Master Elahi students. My task is to create the framework and template for Master Elahi's complete worldview, which will be the final worldview in contemporary civilization.


At the same time, we do not conflict with academic centers. We know that scientists act within their capabilities to help people. We aim to create new paradigms in all scientific fields to enable people to understand new laws in a new world order.


In this regard, one must understand that behavior analysis, not psychology, is currently being researched in academic societies.


I wish you all the best,

Faramarz Tabesh


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