EN- Short Story- The connection

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Information about this story:


A presentation of the research institute "Andishe Online Germany (AOG)."

Excerpt from the book "The Miracle of Guadalupe"

Author: Faramarz Tabesh

Date of completion/publication of the original Persian version: Fall 2006/03.01.2019

Publication date of the English version: August 28, 2024

The following text was translated from German into English by Faramarz Tabesh.

"A person should always sacrifice himself for the community. For example, if someone is harmed to serve and

save the community, he is not responsible for his body, but it is even recommended. [Because the community

stands above the individual and is, therefore, more important than each of them.]"


"The process of spiritual perfection requires connection [with the main leap of existence]. A spiritual

position cannot be achieved through artificial things [such as yoga] [1]." 

Master Elahi




The connection

He was tired; the sluggishness of sleep had not yet left him. He entered the bathroom with half-open eyes and fully turned the cold water tap on. Suddenly, the first drops of water splashed down on the stranger and wetted his skin. It was as if a war had begun, and these drops of water were brave soldiers who could do nothing but drive the enemy off the ground. These cold drops of water were like little terminators, charging straight at the enemy with their weapon, which was nothing but cold, without hesitation, without dodging left or right, with holy determination, not allowing themselves the slightest carelessness.

When the first drops of water touched the stranger's back, he suddenly felt a strange surge of electricity; his eyes went black, and he had to close them. At the same time, strangely with the same tiredness, he gradually heard noises in an unknown place and saw related scenes. The man thought to himself:

"Am I dreaming?"

Suddenly, the explosion of a grenade near him took away his power to concentrate on this inappropriate thought and reminded him that what he was seeing was not a dream or an illusion. It was as if the grenade was screaming at him with its dissonant voice:

"Can't you see where you are, you fool? This place is the true scene of life."

No! He was not dreaming. Yes, he was standing awake on a battlefield with all the quantity and quality of a war.

When Anonymous learned this truth, he paced back and forth in fear and shock, looking for a place to hide or, if possible, a way to escape the battlefield. He didn't know who was fighting him, but he soon realized how pointless it was to look for an escape route.

As he looked around, he realized that he was in a warship with a group of soldiers in combat uniforms, which had been torn to pieces by the explosion of two grenades and was slowly sinking.

At the same time, other soldiers in combat uniforms with different colors and flags triumphantly approached them and destroyed the soldiers on this ship. The stranger who suddenly appeared on this battlefield realized that this battle had to be part of the First World War. But a bullet whizzing past his ear at relatively close range and the scream of a man in the uniform of a battalion commander, whose left hand was severely wounded, brought him back to his senses, and he realized that the commander was about to be thrown into the sea.

Meanwhile, an overwhelming fear paralyzed his whole body; he became highly thirsty, his hands trembled, and this chaotic state robbed him of the strength to react.

The stranger looked into the bloody eyes of the wounded captain, who was desperately seeking help and was afraid of the death that would soon engulf him.

The captain in command silently pleaded with his eyes for help from the soldier under his command, but the stranger did not move as if he was indifferent to the death or life of the commander.

Meanwhile, the wounded man's eyes suddenly flashed, and his face lost its pleading expression; with great strength, he looked down deeply at the stranger, who was frozen with fear, and then he loosened his wrist, which no longer had the strength to hold the bar on the side of the ship and support the relatively heavy body. So the captain fell into the sea with his majestic face and died.

When the stranger saw this scene and felt the sickening sensation of fear, he felt sick. He sat down on the ground, closed his eyes and vomited.


The drops of water, cold as the ice of the Arctic Ocean, brought him to himself.

He stood up and moved away from what he had vomited in the shower in his apartment.


The stranger was a wise man of 49 who had long since left adulthood behind him. However, his relative spiritual maturity had little to do with his age, but his spiritual leader played a decisive role.

Qualities such as truthfulness, integrity, honesty, purity, and perseverance were more or less visible in him. There were other qualities that he was still struggling with or, as he said, working on. Unpunctuality, Dogmatism, and blind obedience were qualities he had developed to a minimal degree. But courage always remained weak in this man's existence, like the little plants in the middle of the forest, which could not grow sufficiently because of the lack of sunlight through the tall trees. In this comparison, fear played the role of the tall trees that kept out the light.

He suffered greatly from this, and this weakness tormented him since childhood. For example, when one of his friends or playmates tampered with his bike, he often hid behind his bedroom door and chewed his fingernails instead of defending his right to take it back or kindly letting him play with it.

This problem manifested itself differently at puberty. When his friends or the Naughty boys from the neighborhood teased him, he often didn't fight back. He lacked the courage to do so. So he got frustrated or ran away and occupied himself with something else, for example, reading literary books that interested him greatly.

He was always haunted by the threatening and painful shadow of his inability to deal with others appropriately and decisively.

One day, Anonymous discussed this problem with his wise spiritual guide, and the wise man responded:

" It stems from your previous lives on earth. It is the same fear that you imposed on others in part of your previous lives.

Now, in this life, you are affected by the same fear. You have been put several times in such frightening situations to

understand how disgusting it can be to impose fear on others."

"Unknown" was actually the title this spiritual teacher had given his apprentice.

He continued in his enlightening speech:

 "However, this problem is solvable. You must consciously face the situations you are afraid of or, if you encounter them, not run away from them."

After receiving this advice from his spiritual mentor and remembering the incident in the bathroom where he had vomited on his feet, the unknown man regained his composure. It was as if his Psyche had been refreshed.

A conversation he couldn't quite understand its meaning, but he felt its effect in his soul.

From that day on, the man followed his mentor's advice in at least one case, namely when the head of the department wanted to transfer him to the wrong weather zone in the South of the country despite his many years of professional experience and performance. On that day, he spoke to his boss for the first time and resisted his decision.

One must know that the stranger was an honest man who did not mind moving to a small town and serving people experiencing poverty. But finally, one day, he had to fight for his rights, and above all, he had to fight for the elimination of his mental illness, which had a special meaning in his life because it made him hate himself.


A short story:

Crossing the River

A short story:

The Saga of Siyawash

A short story:

A butterfly´s dream

A short story:

A falling Leaf

Quantum dimension of matter

Tokyo experiment

  Ostad Elahi's Tanbourplaying

Unification of the sciences of both dimensions

Life in space

The question is:

Reincarnation or ascending method?

 The seven factors of creation

Intelligence network

Master Elahi's Prophecies

Laws of creation

Laws of creation

"Isn't it true that you must make an effort for your rights? Otherwise, you won't get it spontaneously. And if you want to do it, then you need courage."

Anonymous had spent many nights wondering about the extent to which this problem had taken root in his Psyche. But every time, after an hour of pondering and thinking about the matter, he failed to come to a logical conclusion, so he gave up and fell asleep with a resounding yawn.

The only thing that made him happy in this context was the resistance he had put up against his transfer to the South. Now, he could fearlessly argue with his respected boss about it for the first time. Previously, in such situations, his mouth would foam with fear, his hands would tremble, his face would twitch, a cold sweat would break out on his forehead, his tongue would stutter, his heart would race, the words would get stuck in his throat, and after all that, he would curse himself a thousand times afterward.

But does the almighty observer consider this progress adequate, sufficient, and perfect?


"Sir, can I help you?

It is the address you were looking for! How are you, sir?"

At the cab driver's voice, the stranger briefly came to his senses, half-opened his eyes, and closed them again.


"Soldier! Soldier! Lower the boats from the ship's left side and ensure the wounded and sick get on board before the others."

The stranger, who felt addressed by the person who seemed to be the captain of the ship and his superior, ran to the wooden boats lying next to the ship. Upon inspection, however, he realized that none of the boats could be used and rushed to the commander to get a new order. But in the meantime, the ship had been split in half by the explosion of three cannonballs and a mortar.

The number of wounded and dead increased second by the second. At the same time, enemy soldiers reached the ship from all sides, rushed inside with a quick jump, and started shooting or fighting face-to-face with the crew.

One look at the battle scene and everyone knew that the ship's defense would suffer a defeat. Suddenly, like a person waking up from a deep sleep, the stranger remembered all the dreams and illusions he had experienced and realized who he was, what he was doing in this predicament, which was an actual hell, and why he was there. However, he still could not understand where this war began, how it could have come about, and, above all, which individual he was psychologically connected to. He could only discover the reason for his presence there, which was sacred to him.

The sound of a bullet whizzing past his ear interrupted his thoughts, and he ran towards the commander. But this bullet, much sharper and faster than him, had reached its target, the commander's left hand. Before the stranger could move, the bullet's force threw the commander out of the ship. However, the commander could hold on to the bar on the ship's side with his right hand and prevent himself from falling into the water. At the same time, his eyes met those of the man, who was quite shocked by this incident. While the captain held the pole with his right hand and let his other, injured and bleeding hand hang down, his face took on a pleading expression, and with the waves emanating from his gaze, he begged the stranger for urgent help. At the same time, the enemy soldiers' fire in this direction was getting stronger. The man tried to move, but his legs did not obey him. Suddenly, he remembered that this scene had happened to him once before. At this thought, he hated the manifesting of his old fear, blamed himself, and his heart began to beat faster.

Amid these emotions, he saw sweat running down the commander's face and his hands trembling. He felt that the relative courage he had gained was about to turn back into despair.

The commander's eyes met his again, and from this encounter, the stranger learned all the captain's states of mind and thoughts. It was as if the commander was reproaching him with his own eyes and accusing him of cowardice.

Suddenly, an inner rage triggered by his awakened soul commanded the unknown man to react quickly. Hot blood began to boil in his veins, and he found new strength within himself. The fear disappeared from his thoughts, and instead of it, the feeling of solidarity and cooperation set him in motion.

He laboriously made his way through the bullets raining down on him from left and right and reached the edge of the ship, where the captain was hanging, and tried to take his hand. At that exact moment, he saw the captain's face change from a begging posture to a strangely glorious one. The stranger grabbed the captain's right wrist, but the captain's wrist, which could no longer support his weight, broke. The man, however, did not let go of the hand, even though it wanted to pull him into the sea with itself.

He did it deliberately and for a purpose. The moment his fall into the sea with the captain was inevitable, he shouted:

 "If not now, when? "

The captain let go of the man's hand so as not to let him fall into the sea, but the man did not give up and wanted to emerge proud from this final test.

He had left his fear behind and wanted to be there until this last Scene.

Suddenly, just before the stranger fell into the water next to the captain, his attention was drawn to the captain's strangely regal face. An imposing face that showed not the slightest trace of fear.

The two men fell hand in hand into the sea, which looked now black from the darkness of the night and instilled fear and terror in every onlooker.

After a few moments, there was no sign of the two men in the sea.


"...... Are you all right, sir? Would you like me to take you to the hospital?"

At the cab driver's voice, the man opened his eyes again. The driver saw a sweet, gentle smile on his lips and continued:

"Do you want to get out, sir?"

While stepping out of the cab, the man replied with a smile that showed inner contentment:

"No! I'll never be getting out again!"

The stranger was no longer a stranger. Now, everybody in the group of examiners knows him well.


Faramarz Tabesh

[1]A seeker of truth cannot attain a spiritual position through artificial things [like yoga].

Faramarz Tabesh

A story from the book Miracle of Guadalupe

Code of the article in the research institute:

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