Master 129-The extension of relativity's theory- The Beginning

Podcast &Video clip at the bottom of the page

Information about the article:

The research institute Andishe Online Germany (AOG) conducted this study as part of an investigative research program. 


Research, investigation, and translation: Faramarz Tabesh


Date of publication:

English, Persian, and German editions: On August 1, 2024


The topics:

- Preface

     Master Elahi

     Quantum Dimension


- Starting point: The Phenomenon "Light"

- Middle point: Einstein's theory of special relativity

- Final point: The theory of the constancy of the properties of light in a unique sense

- A Philosophical Summary

- A Mathematical Conclusion


German Version

Perisan(Farsi) Version


 In commemoration of the 129th anniversary of Master Elahi's birth

The extension of relativity's theory

- The Beginning

From the perspective of the present investigation

Dear Readers,

Please be advised that all mathematical equations in this article are patented.

Thank you for your understanding.



Annually, in conjunction with the commemoration of Master Elahi's birthday, the Research Institute “Andishe Online Germany (AOG) prepares an article in Persian, English, German, and occasionally in other languages and publishes it on the respective websites.

In commemoration of Master Elahi's 129th anniversary of birth, the Research Institute “Andishe Online Germany (AOG) has prepared an article entitled “The extension of relativity's theory.” This article aims to provide a concise and accessible overview of the subject matter despite its potential complexity. Readers are recommended to engage with the article to understand the subject matter comprehensively and access the unique information presented at the article's conclusion.

In order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the content, it is essential to study this article with an objective and unbiased mindset. Because I believe:


"We, the earthlings, hear and see what we want to hear or see, not necessarily the truth and reality."


It can be reasonably posited that reality's perception is not necessarily aligned with objective truth. Instead, our interpretation of information is often heavily influenced by our personal biases and preferences, shaping our unique reality.

It is a fundamental truth that humans tend to perceive and interpret information in a manner that aligns with their beliefs and expectations. This selectivity, which can be observed in both conscious and subconscious cognitive processes, results in the perception of information that aligns with one's perspective rather than an objective representation of reality.

In this article, prepared on the occasion of Master Elahi's 129th birthday, we analyze the world and its creation from our specific perspective.

This article has been published in three languages [1] and the following formats: text, audio, and video.



- Master Elahi

Master Nurali Elahi, known as Ostad Elahi, was born on September 11, 1895, in Jeyhunabad [2] in western Iran. He was a contemporary thinker, philosopher, mystic, virtuoso musician, and heir to a centuries-old spirituality. He was also a highly respected professional judge and developed a spiritual system that he described as “The Perfection Process University” or “soul medicine.” This system considers and analyzes the material and quantum aspects of the human being.

The content of his books on the future of humanity and how we should live on Earth can be considered the rules of the New World Order.

For more information on this topic, please refer to the Research Institute's website, Biography section, which can be accessed via the link below.


- Quantum Dimension

With a straightforward interpretation, we at the Research Institute AOG define this term as follows:

There is no dead entity in the universe. Basically, there is no death and no nothingness in any dimension. Every being has an immaterial dimension that cannot be seen. This dimension is a magnetic field that has a database. With the data of this database, the magnetic field controls everything related to the material part of it.


“The quantum dimension is a dimension in which objects' magnetic fields (souls) constantly interact. This dimension has a

very complex but law-abiding fluidity.“


Analyzing and interpreting these events with current conventional physics is almost impossible. To resolve this issue, logical alterations within this scientific discipline are essential. In particular, it is crucial to consider the limitations of conventional quantum mechanics.


- Metaphysics

To allow a deeper connection with the content of this article, it is necessary to provide a new definition of the term "metaphysics". In this context, the usual definitions of this term can be dispensed with for the time being since the AOG Research Institute has its definition, which is as follows:

“The field of science, in its most expansive sense, encompasses a body of knowledge that has yet to be fully acknowledged and

discussed within the conventional academic establishment.”




Starting point:

The Phenomenon "Light"

In essence, the Research Institute's perspective on light is more expansive than what science has achieved thus far. In physical science, light is defined as an electromagnetic phenomenon comprising visible and invisible components. The fundamental properties of light, as defined by this science, include intensity, direction of propagation, frequency or wavelength spectrum, and polarization. The speed at which light travels in a vacuum is 299,792,458 meters per second. Physicists in various fields, including optics, propose that visible light is propagated by massless elementary particles called photons. Consequently, it can exhibit both wave and particle properties.

In this regard, physics presents a general thesis that:


"light is one of the fundamental constants of nature, the source of which is the sun."


It is notable that while the effects of light on living organisms, including the growth of plants through photosynthesis, have been extensively studied by physicists, the mental and psychological impact of this natural phenomenon has not received the same level of attention. As previously stated, the Research Institute, in alignment with the teachings of Master Elahi, posits that the effects of light extend far beyond the scope of scientific understanding. One of the most valuable properties of light is that it carries data that is rich in information. This topic will be addressed in a subsequent article. This article examines the light emanating from the Primary Source of Creation, as opposed to the light produced by the Sun.



Middle point:

Einstein's theory of special relativity

Special relativity is a theory of the structure of spacetime. It was introduced in Einstein's 1905 paper "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies." Special relativity is based on two postulates that are contradictory in classical mechanics:

1- The Principle of Relativity: The laws of physics are the same for all observers in any inertial frame of reference relative to each other.

2- Principle of the constancy of the speed of light: The speed of light in a vacuum is considered a universal constant independent of the observer's motion or the light source.

The theory of special relativity demonstrated that the speed of light represents a limit that can be approached but not reached by any material object. This insight gave rise to the most celebrated equation in science, E = mc², which elucidates the relationship between mass and energy.

Although this theory has some paradoxes, we believe that the principle of the constant speed of light in space for a moving or stationary observer is correct. The remainder of this article will present further explanations.

The following quote from the Master is directly relevant to the matters discussed above.


“Last night, I had to go somewhere and do something. I separated from my body, put my body in a pool of water, and left. ....”

[Master Elahi, Asar 1, word 1983, §1]


This quote confirms the theory of special relativity, which believes that material physical objects cannot move at the speed of light.

It should be noted that the present study is not intended to analyze the above quotation. Instead, it is assumed that physical motion at the speed of light is to be regarded as impossible, even in metaphysics. However, this limitation does not exist in the quantum dimension of the true self. One must learn the technique of utilizing it. This hypothesis will be empirically validated in the future and will be applicable to space sciences.

The following quote can be related to the general theory of relativity.



Superstition- Episode 1


Superstition- Episode 2


Who is Elite?

Persia-Iran: Art & Culture

Episode 1

A short story:

Crossing the River

A short story:

A butterfly´s dream

A short story:

A falling Leaf

Quantum dimension of matter

Tokyo experiment

  Ostad Elahi's Tanbourplaying

Unification of the sciences of both dimensions

A short story:

The Saga of Siyawash

Life in space

The question is:

Reincarnation or ascending method?

A short story:

The Matador

 The seven factors of creation

Intelligence network

Master Elahi's Prophecies

Laws of creation

Laws of creation

“There is no vacuum in space. Because vacuum means annihilation, and annihilation cannot exist in the universe.”

[Master Elahi, Asar 1, word 1062, §2]


This word of Master Elahi is a confirmation of at least three points of general relativity:


- General relativity links gravity to the geometry of spacetime itself, particularly its curvature.

- In general relativity, spacetime is not "flat" but is curved by the presence of massive bodies.

- The curvature of spacetime affects the motion of massive bodies within it.


In the scientific literature, the term "vacuum" is typically associated with the concepts of "nothingness," "emptiness," or "non-existence." This leads to the question of how it is possible for a "nothing" to be a curvilinear phenomenon. Consequently, the hypothesis that some form of invisible, curve-able matter exists [3] in space is plausible.

Final point:

The theory of the constancy of the properties of light in a unique sense


Two completely different worlds

1- The whole existence with its two material and quantum dimensions.

2- The perfect world above the cause-and-effect system with only one immaterial dimension.


Here, our desired subject is the first part of what has been said above.

In short, according to Master Elahi's account of the creation of existence, the original and eternal source of creation, in a situation where time and space did not yet exist, concentrated a tremendous power in a specific point. The Master called this point "Mahiaat" [4]. In order to save time and not prolong this article, "Mahiaat" can be considered the source of creation, including the light emanating from the galaxies' suns. Additionally, the “Mahiaat” is regarded as the primary cause of the Big Bang [5].

Let us now continue the discussion using two points from Albert Einstein's perspective on special relativity.

A) No material body can reach the speed of light.

B) The speed of light in a vacuum is constant for an observer in any position.



A theoretical analysis of Case A

I find it challenging to agree with this theory without considering some exceptions. The logical reason is that when one considers the distances between galaxies, universes, and multiverses, even the speed of light is considered a plodding and inefficient speed in space. Consequently, traveling to distant planets at the speed of light is impossible. It is, therefore, imperative to achieve a velocity that is significantly greater than the velocity of light. This is a rather absurd notion that we are unable to travel to other galaxies because we are incapable of reaching the speed of light. It is a fallacy to believe that there is an unsolvable problem for human beings.

In his works, Master Elahi references the science of ancient civilizations, which indicates that people of that era were capable of traveling to distant planets in a relatively brief period. [6]


“In previous civilizations, humanity had reached a point where they could travel through space at a speed exceeding the speed of light

with a device and reach other planets. … “

[Master Elahi, Asar 1, word 541, §1]


However, we now utilize Einstein's theory in a novel manner, positing that traversing vast distances in space is not feasible with the physical body but rather through the soul. It is conceivable that in the future, humanity may be able to simulate the experiences of spiritual journeys to distant planets in other galaxies using artificial intelligence (AI) and present them as scientific documentaries.

In this context, it is reasonable to posit that scientists will succeed in converting matter of a particular form, for example, a human being, into energy. This energy will not be mixed with other energy fields or interact with them. Subsequently, this energy can be reintroduced into the original material form at a different point in space. This will be one method of traversing interstellar distances.

In this context, it is crucial to acknowledge that a substantial portion of the phenomena commonly referred to as "human imagination" may be interpreted as information from the future that exists in space. Some individuals can receive, understand, and reflect upon this data. One of those people was Albert Einstein.

For further insight, it may be beneficial to consult the theory of tachyons, as presented in the article "The Quantum Parallel Worlds." [7]




A Philosophical Summary

"Mahiaat" is the origin of light in its pure and original sense. In another sense, "Mahiaat" is, among other things, the producer of light. By generalizing the second point of view of special relativity, it can be said that this eternal and primary source of creating light has the following properties.

1- The speed of light emitted by this source is always constant for all beings in the universe.

2- It is possible to approach this source only through the soul (immaterial dimension).

3- It is possible to approach this source of energy and light only through the maturity and perfection of the soul.

4- The more a soul attains perfection, the more it will be able to approach this Source. This is also true in reverse.

5- The proximity and distance of creatures to this Source have no effect on it.

6- The closer you get to this Source, the more the concentration of Light and Energy increases, and this means that you receive more information about yourself and the Universe.

7- This Source has established the laws of existence for each type of creature. Therefore, imposing other principles on the moving beings is unnecessary. Since this movement is entirely free and voluntary, the gravity created by this Light Source has ensured that the creatures will reach the end of the path. The strength of the attraction that a magnetic field, in this case, the soul, experiences from a light source is directly proportional to the proximity of the magnetic field to the light source.

8- Once you have reached this Source, you will find He has always talked to and taken the necessary care of you without assigning you tasks or dictating conditions. Although these cares are general and the same for everyone, they take different forms according to people's degrees of perfection.



A Mathematical Conclusion


1.10 -The following mathematical representations are valid on Earth and in the Intermediate world (Barzakh). All equations are patented.

The formula presented here was developed for the book "Biology of the Quantum Dimension" and can be found in its original form in German and Persian articles as well as in this one. A step-by-step explanation of the above formula has been omitted to avoid unnecessary complexity. Instead, a general and straightforward description is provided here. This approach is justified by the fact that the formula is, in any case, indirectly related to this article.

The outcome of the intricate calculations above demonstrates that a more robust True Self can transmit a greater quantity of data. It can also receive and analyze a significantly larger volume of data and comprehend the results with tremendous precision. It is crucial to recognize that the strength of a True Self is contingent upon its degree of perfection. From these equations, it can be concluded that a person who has reached ultimate spiritual perfection has a deeper understanding of the source and main origin of creation and can approach that source of energy more quickly without affecting the speed and condition of the source. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is that in this quantum state, there is no dimension of time and no dimension of space.



“In the world of perfection, souls can very quickly remember past events and explain them to others. For example, a powerful soul

can very quickly and with absolute accuracy remember all the contents of Mawlana's [8] Masnawi [9] and explain the same contents

to another soul of the same level. Of course, if the receiving soul has a lesser degree of perfection and power, the recipient [10] of that

soul will benefit from these effects only to the extent of its power, although the stronger soul will spread the same effects.

Furthermore, with the greatest accuracy and speed, the same strong soul can remember and explain its many lives to others.”

[Master Elahi, Asar 1, word 882, §2]


It must be noted that this topic is considerably more complex than what has been covered in this article. The union of a fully evolved true self with the light source generates many complex interactions that cannot be fully described in conventional quantum physics.


I appreciate your attention to this article and congratulate Master Elahi's birthday to his students.

Furthermore, the Research Institute AOG has designated the eleventh of September as the day of the Master Elahi.

We draw your attention to the photo gallery, the questions about this article, and the corresponding answers.

Photo Gallery

  • Bildtitel

    Master Elahi's mausoleum before being destroyed by Islamic fundamentalists.

  • Bildtitel

    The Destruction of Master Elahi's Mausoleum by Religious Fundamentalists after the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

  • Bildtitel

    According to those present at the scene, nothing was found in the grave except a piece of blanket.

  • Bildtitel

    The way to the new mausoleum (Koi Noor)

  • Bildtitel

    The way to the new mausoleum (Koi Noor)

  • Bildtitel

    The mausoleum from the angle of the end of the garden.

  • Bildtitel

    The new mausoleum from the angle of the entrance.


August 30, 2024

This question pertains to the article titled " Extension of the Theory of Relativity - The Beginning, " where we, in Part of it, explore the connection between Master Elahi's statements and the theory of special relativity.



Dear Sir,

In this article, you compare one of Master Elahi's statements to the theory of special relativity. I do not see any connection between these two subjects. If possible, please explain a little more.



Answer to this question:


I am grateful for your inquiry and will endeavor to provide a clear and comprehensive response.


Following one of the fundamental tenets of special relativity, a physical object can't attain the velocity of light. On the other hand, an analysis of the Master's other statements indicates that he intended to deliver a speech in the middle world (parallel quantum world). If it were possible to propel a physical body at the velocity of light, there would be no rationale for the Master to submerge his body in a pool of water to facilitate his true self's attendance at the meeting above in the Middle World.

Our aim with this study is to unravel the metaphysical aspects of our field that are intricately linked with science yet remain a puzzle to the academic community. This is just the start of our investigation, and we extend a warm invitation to all interested to join us in further exploring and discussing this captivating topic.

 I wish you and your family all the best.

 Faramarz Tabesh


September 01, 2024

A question about relativity related to the answer we gave to the above question.


Hello Mr. Tabesh,

How can you prove that what Master Elahi said is basically true? Please forgive my bluntness.



Answer to this question:


Thank you for your question.

The best way to solve this problem is to refer to Master Elahi's biography. Only after carefully studying the Master's activities and social status can you clearly understand whose mind these statements come from. Then, you can decide whether such a person can say something that did not happen.

Please note that such an investigation is your duty. You owe it to yourself.


In this regard, for example, I will mention two important things, like the iron laws in Master Elahi's life. You can find the rest in the Biography section of the Research Institute's website.


1- According to the testimony of some world-renowned musicians, Master Elahi was an exceptional musician who never performed in public except for a few of his close disciples and family members. This shows that he never tried to seek public attention.


2- The Master never tried to achieve material things through spirituality, nor did he try to gain followers.


In addition, it should be noted that the Master was a prominent judge and belonged to an old and well-known wealthy family.

I consider you intelligent, so I am sure you will find out the truth on your own.

 I wish you and your family all the best.

 Faramarz Tabesh


German Version

Perisan(Farsi) Version



[1] Persian (Farsi), English, German

[2] German: Dscheyhunabad. Farsi: جیحون آباد

[3] In this context, a postulated form of dark matter in space can be an illustrative example.

[4] Essence

[5] Refer to the following section for more details: Andishe Online Germany- Integrated sciences

[6] Master Elahi's statements about space; see the following section for more details:

[7] The Quantum Parallel Worlds, part 1- part 2- part 3

[8] Rumi. He was a 13th-century Persian poet and mystic.

[9] Maulana's book of spiritual poems.

[10] Master Elahi has described it as a God particle. Its function is similar to that of a transponder.


Useful pages in this context:

Albert Einstein




The University of Texas:



General Relativity

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology):


Special Relativity

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology):


Master Elahi



Quantum Worlds

Topics from the university:


Mahiaat (Essence) or the Origin of Creation

Integrated sciences:


Faramarz Tabesh

Code of the article in the research institute:

h,sjhn hgid ihknvn j,kjd khdk_n hösjkak H, hs#ag vgjd ,djdc jm,vd_nv fäfkfkä

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