EN-Infant Psychology- Episode 3

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Information about this article:


A presentation of the research institute "Andishe Online Germany (AOG)"

Subject Area: Psychology

Author: Faramarz Tabesh


Date of completion/publication of the original Persian version: 15.03.2023/01.06.2023

Publication date of the English and German versions: October 11, 2024

The following text was translated from Farsi into English and German by Faramarz Tabesh.


German Version
Persian Version


An Analysis from the Perspective of  Research Institute AOG

Infant Psychology- Episode 3

                                                                           Episode 1 


The birth of the fetus

As soon as the fetus is born, with the first breath, the true self, which is in the quantum parallel world and belongs to this fetus, connects with the basharic soul, which is bound to this fetus. This begins an interaction between the two poles that leads to the emergence of a new true self. From this moment on, events take a different turn, which we will return to.

"The infant's first cry confirms the soul's entry into the earthly material environment, which is actually the merging with a new basharic soul."

Brain growth continues after birth; by age two, a child's brain has about 75% of an adult's brain weight. Changes in the brain mostly take place mainly in the outer layer of the cerebral cortex. This is where the nerve cells connect and change at high speed.

During this phase, the infant's basharic soul controls the body's biological systems. The process involves receiving information from the body and the environment and sending instructions to the cortex based on the information received through the afferents. The efferent instructions also include the basic commands that trigger an involuntary bodily reaction.

Based on this description, the main tasks of the basharic soul can be divided into two categories:


The first task:

A) The control of biological life in the human body, including the regulation of fundamental biological systems [the autonomic nervous system], such as:


- Respiratory system

- Circulatory system

- Digestive system

- Body temperature regulation system

- Endocrine system

- Heartbeat and circulation

- System of growth and repair of the body through transcription and other stages of gene expression

- System of formation, initiation, and control of regeneration, including meiotic cell division (sexuality and regeneration).



B) The external immune control system through the ten senses [1] and the control of the resulting natural reflexes, such as the seeking reflex, the swallowing reflex, or the reactions known as the Moro reflex, which are related to the child's physical balance, etc.


Second task:

In the dominance phase, the basharic soul plays an essential role in gradually integrating with the celestial magnetic field (celestial soul).

The magnetic field, the potential, the basharic, or, if you can understand it better, the human earthly soul, plays another vital role in the process of perfection, which we will not analyze in this article.





The Fourth Dominance: 

The Interaction of Two Quantum Dimensions of the True Self


The Emergence of a New True Self

From the first moment of birth and the merging of two strong magnetic fields, i.e., the basharic soul with the old true self that has descended from the quantum parallel world, it is time to create a new true self characterized by the baby's first cry.


The dominance discussed above can become active in two contexts:

A) In the context of the conflict between the two quantum poles of the true self, i.e., the basharic and the celestial magnetic field, in terms of imposing their characteristics on each other.

Although the infant at this stage now has a celestial soul responsible for thinking, the basharic soul still predominates. This situation gradually reaches a relative equilibrium until puberty, when an independent character emerges, and from then on, other factors come into play in all material and spiritual dimensions.

B) Relation to the interaction of the two magnetic fields mentioned above.

This phase usually, but not always, begins at puberty, gradually reaches a relative equilibrium, and continues until biological death and, of course, beyond. The effects of this interaction are visible, albeit in an immature and primitive form, in the infant's reflexes from birth.          [First Document]


Furthermore, it must be remembered that these two poles conflict with each other to gain a more significant influence on the functioning of the baby's physical body.

In this context, it is necessary to explain two things:

1- From birth until about the age of puberty, the Basharic soul is the dominant pole.

2- This soul has emerged from the complete maturity of the animal's characteristics. Therefore, what is observed in a baby's reflexes corresponds to animal states.

This subject will be dealt with in the section on “Behavior of infants.” But before we come to that subject, let us clarify the psyche and how it comes into being.




Formation of the Psyche

Recommended articles to study for a better understanding of the subject:


         - Psychology from a New Perspective. [Go to the article]

         - Psychology provided by "Andishe Online Germany." [Go to the article]


It will be easier to understand the subject if you have studied the above articles.


A correct understanding of the existence of the human being and all that is related to and emanates from him, including his actions, thoughts, and intentions, as well as the mechanisms of voluntary and involuntary functioning of his physical body, depends on a correct knowledge of the facts and realities that Master Elahi first discovered and made available to the world. Many of these teachings have been published in six languages by the Research Institute AOG.

Suppose scientific societies, including medical research centers, consider these facts by studying these articles. In that case, they will be able to find appropriate and correct answers to all their questions in various fields.

According to this doctrine, the human being is a product of a complex two-dimensional structure. This structure consists of the following systems:


A) The true self consists of two magnetic fields: the human earthly and celestial souls.

B) A mutual quantum bridge connecting this true self to the primordial and eternal source of creation.

C) A quantum string connecting the True Self to the cerebral cortex.

D) The psyche.

E) The human physical body. The brain system is mainly considered as the point of connection.


"In the area between the surface of the cerebral cortex, where the apical dendrites of the particular neurons of the cerebral cortex are joined to the basal axons of the quantum string that connects to the True Self, there is an almost open specific magnetic field called “Psyche.” The reason for the formation of this area is the uninterrupted and high-speed traffic of information codes (data), both afferent and efferent.

This region marks the boundary between the quantum and material worlds.”                                                                                                                                                                                                       


Graphical representation of the psyche

Since this article aims to study the psychology of infants, we will not go into psychoanalysis in general. Still, we will deal directly with analyzing specific states of infants.



Analysis of Infant and Child Behavior

In academic centers, child psychology is usually associated with "behavioral research," which analyzes various reflexes at different infant and child development stages. The research usually continues until the onset of puberty.

It should be noted that the AOG Research Institute believes that:


"With each appearance of a true self in the material world, which is achieved by merging with a new basharic soul, a new psyche is created, different from the psyche of a previous life. Therefore, with each biological death, the psyche also disappears".


I designed the following graphic for the English website of the Research Institute AOG. Since I do not intend to analyze the above topic here, I will refrain from translating the graphic's contents into German and Persian (Farsi). I also assume that the non-English-speaking readers of this series of articles are fluent in English, too.


By looking at this graphic, you will better understand what has been said about the psyche.


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According to this description, everything attributed to the psyche in academic science is controlled by the basharic soul in the infant phase, which is slowly and gradually influenced by the other pole, the celestial potential (soul).

Actually, the main goal is to achieve an ideal balance between a person's two quantum poles (true self). This guarantees the perfection of the true self. The soul can only return to the eternal primordial world when this process is complete.


“In the scientific centers, soul, psyche, and even spirit are considered to be the same concept, and this is the weak point that causes confusion among researchers and scientists when it comes to finding answers to the most frequently asked questions.”




Primitive Movements and Reflexes

The explanations presented are a unique source of information for those who study human existence, such as researchers or child psychologists, who are far removed from predetermined academic dogma. This is an unavoidable condition to understand the behavior of children better. Therefore, a person who is familiar with our perspective can adequately understand the following:


Two main factors for the triggering of behavioral reflexes in infants

1. The basharic soul. It is defined as the maturity and perfection of the animal instincts.

2. The dominance of the basharic potential over the celestial potential of the infant in the first months.


As a rule, regardless of any exceptions that require a separate study, animals walk on their hands and feet, seek their mother's breast for a certain period, acquire knowledge of the environment, and feel secure with their mother during infancy, etc. These animal characteristics are registered in the basharic potential.

In fact, these characteristics, along with dozens of others, make up the information domain of the basharic Soul. Since at this stage of the infant's life, the main commands are given by the basharic soul, and the celestial soul is not yet adequately involved, the baby also shows reflexes that resemble animal movements.

The most striking animalistic feature observed in babies immediately after birth is that they search for their mother's breast with their mouth without even opening their eyes, as with animal babies. This reflex confirms the fact that the infant receives instructions for the early stages of development from the instinctive information of the animal part of the Basharic soul.


To learn what a simple and complex trait is, read the article "Appearance of Instinctive Characteristics."

Faramarz Tabesh

End of the second episode

 Episode 1

Episode 2

The topics of the fourth episode:


- Effective factors of personality formation from childhood.

- Examination of three aspects of child behavior based on our interpretations and arguments.

- Seven formation factors.

- A brief look at a particular condition called puberty.

- A brief look at autism in childhood.




[1] While the academic world speaks of only five senses, Master Elahi mentions ten senses in his works. This will be analyzed in a separate article.



[First Document] See the article: "The Miracle of Master Elahi's Thoughts in Creating New Paradigms," section "A Simple Example."

Available only in German and Farsi (Persian).






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Faramarz Tabesh

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