EN-Infant Psychology- Episode 2

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Information about this article:


A presentation of the research institute "Andishe Online Germany (AOG)"

Subject Area: Psychology

Author: Faramarz Tabesh


Date of completion/publication of the original Persian version: 15.03.2023/01.06.2023

Publication date of the English and German versions: September 30, 2024

The following text was translated from Farsi into English and German by Faramarz Tabesh.


German Version
Persian Version


An Analysis from the Perspective of  Research Institute AOG

Infant Psychology- Episode 2

                                                                           Episode 1                               

                                                                                                                                                Episode 3

A brief introduction

Before discussing the physiological aspect of the subject, it is necessary to enter the world of quantum metaphysics, based on the "integrated sciences," and see what happens there. This will give us a better understanding of the reflexes of the fetus and, later, of the infant in the material dimension.



In the metaphysical world

I presented the definition of metaphysics in the article "Atheism - Analysis of Causes." To avoid making the article too long, I will repeat it here.

It should be noted that our definition of the word "metaphysics" may differ from that of the philosophers.




 "That part of universal and eternal science which has not yet been recognized, studied, discussed and confirmed by academic centers."


An important point:


 “If an idea is presented somewhere as a thesis that has not yet been confirmed by science, or if science is fundamentally unaware of the existence of this theory, or if it has even been criticized in the academic forums of the world, as was the case with Einstein's

theory of relativity, this still cannot be taken as definitive proof that this thesis or theory is incorrect.”


Furthermore, what is only a theory to some may be interpreted as an accurate observation by others. In this context, it is essential to know that today's science cannot yet explain many phenomena.






Biological Body Determination for a True Self Residing in the Parallel Quantum World (Barzakh)

To gain a comprehensive understanding of this section of the article, it is recommended that those who are not yet familiar with the scientific viewpoint of the Research Institute AOG study the following articles on the institute's website:


         - Psychology from a New Perspective. [Go to the article]

         - Psychology provided by "Andishe Online Germany." [Go to the article]

         - Integrated Sciences. [Go to the article]

         - How the human intellect works. [Go to the article]

         - Connection of the Karma System with Destiny [Go to the article]


After studying the above articles, you will quickly understand the rest of the discussion.

The true self of every human being, which is actually a particular magnetic field, arises from the interaction of two other magnetic fields, the basharic and celestial soul. After biological death, this phenomenon is gradually transported through a quantum wormhole to a hyper-modern parallel world called the Intermediate World or Barzakh.

Take a closer look at the following algorithm I designed for the article "The Concept of Biological Death...". You will discover what happens to this true self in this quantum parallel world.


Algorithm of events after death for a true self.

As this algorithm shows, some souls must prepare to return to the earthly world to begin an earthly life after spending some time in the quantum mid-world. In this case, the following happens:


A) All the data of the karma system, which is stored in a kind of computer hard disk, is carefully examined by experts and responsible officials in special offices for this work in the mid-quantum world. Of course, one must know that the minor behavior, the slightest thought, the smallest intention of every human being, and basically everything that comes out of him is stored in the karma system of his true self. At the same time, a report is sent to the personnel file in the quantum world in the same organizations and added to the file. In this way, the officials have access to each file's data.


B) By the laws of the Quantum Middle World and based on the legal protocols of the organizations discussed, the first step is to determine whether or not a true self (soul) deserves to be established in the Middle World to attain perfection in that environment. If the answer is negative, it must be determined what form of life that soul can receive in another life on earth based on its merits and qualifications.

In this context, all its strengths and weaknesses are carefully considered.


C) Based on everything discussed in cases A and B, suitable parents are selected for this true self.


D) In the next step, this decision is communicated to the soul, and at the same time, the soul is entrusted with protecting its fetus in the mother's womb destined for it from fertilization until birth.



Bashar. Human Being



Basharic Soul= Earthly Soul= Earthly Magnetic Field

Heavenly Soul = Celestial soul = Heavenly Magnetic Field = Celestial Magnetic Field



According to Master Elahi's teachings:

- Bashar refers to a being with only one pole in its quantum dimension. This pole is called the basharic Magnetic Field (basharic Soul), and its origin, function, and mechanism are explained in a series of articles.

Such a being stands spiritually between animals and humans. [Document No. 1]                                                                                                               


- According to the same teachings, man is defined as a being with two poles in his quantum dimension. These two poles are the heavenly magnetic field (the heavenly soul) and the basharic magnetic field (the basharic soul). The interaction of these two poles gives rise to a holistic phenomenon known as the "true self."

This phenomenon has been described and interpreted in several articles on the Research Institute's website.


In commemoration of the 129th anniversary of Master Elahi's birth

The extension of relativity's theory


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Episode 1

A short story:

Crossing the River

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A butterfly´s dream

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A falling Leaf

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  Ostad Elahi's Tanbourplaying

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The Matador

 The seven factors of creation

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Laws of creation

Laws of creation

Concerning the present article, it can be said that until birth, the embryo has only a Basharic soul or Basharic magnetic field, which is responsible for carrying out the various stages of "gene expression," including transcription, in the first step. The process creates all kinds of proteins and enzymes necessary for the formation and planned growth of the fetus until birth. Of course, the entire process takes place in cooperation with the placenta.

After birth, the basharic soul (the basharic magnetic field) takes on another essential function, which will not be discussed in detail here. Of course, this topic will be taken up again from a different perspective in separate articles.

The question of what stage of development a fetus should be considered human is controversial among scientists. Some researchers believe that a human being is created Exactly when the egg and sperm combine, a process known as fertilization. However, other researchers have rejected this theory.

The Research Institute AOG, on the other hand, based on the information provided by Master Elahi, considers the creature that exists immediately after conception to be "Bashar" with the definition described above. This assertion is based on the fact that this creature has only one pole in the quantum dimension. Furthermore, the soul discussed can be defined as a magnetic field full of information called the basharic (earthly) soul.




The Connection Between the Fetus, Its Own Soul, and the Soul of the Mother

There is no complete connection between the embryo and its basharic soul at this stage. One of the physiological reasons for this is that the number of neurons in the first lamina of the cerebral cortex is minimal. With this small number of neurons, sending messages to the basharic magnetic field (basharic soul) and receiving the corresponding instructions from there is impossible. At this stage, this soul is busy building more layers and neurons step by step with the help of the fetal placenta so that it can receive more information to expand the genetic instructions, i.e., transcription and translation [1], for the formation of amino acids and thus for the formation of proteins and their transport to the relevant sites.

During this stage, the placenta performs many of the functions of an independent organism. These include supplying the fetus with nutrients and oxygen, removing waste products and carbon dioxide, eliminating infectious bacteria, secreting hormones necessary for fetal development such as human chorionic gonadotropin [2], placental lactogen [3], and estrogen [4], and similar functions.

Everything that the placenta does for the fetus is done under the complete control of the mother's true Self, and this ends when the fetus' basharic soul is fully prepared to take over the natural settings of the fetus' physical body. At this point, the stage of birth begins.

In other words,

"  the scientific reason for birth is that the fetus is now able to exist as a separate and independent being."

From that moment on, the True Self of the mother is no longer biologically and physiologically involved in the development of her infant, except nutrition through breastfeeding. This means that all gene expression interactions occur through the infant's basharic soul, which is now part of the newly emerged True Self. At the same time, it is essential to know that at all stages of conception, formation, and growth of the fetus, other factors also play a role, which Master Elahi explained as the “Seven Factors of Creation.” Factors include the place and time of conception, the nutrition and quality of the mother's environment during pregnancy, etc.

Faramarz Tabesh

End of the second episode

 Episode 1

Episode 3

The topics of the third episode:


-Functions of the human soul

-The Fourth Dominance: The Interaction of Two Quantum Dimensions of the True Self

-Emergence of a new true self

-Formation of the psyche

- Infant Behavior Research

-Early Movements and Reflexes





[1] Translation, as related to genomics, is the process through which information encoded in messenger RNA (mRNA) directs the addition of amino acids during protein synthesis. Translation takes place on ribosomes in the cell cytoplasm, where mRNA is read and translated into the string of amino acid chains that make up the synthesized protein.



[2] Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy. It’s sometimes called the pregnancy hormone because of its unique role in supporting a pregnancy.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin: Hormone, Purpose & Levels (clevelandclinic.org)


[3] Human placental lactogen is a hormone released by the placenta when you’re pregnant. It helps prepare your body for breastfeeding. It also regulates metabolism and insulin sensitivity to make sure the fetus gets enough nutrients. A blood test can measure the hormone to help determine the health of the placenta, fetus and pregnant person..



[4] All about Estrogen

Estrogen: Hormone, Function, Levels & Imbalances (clevelandclinic.org)




[Document No. 1]



[Document No. 2]

The seven factors of creation


Faramarz Tabesh

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